Decorating the Perfect Tree

Who wants their tree to be perfect? The majority of people do, as this is going to be the main way in which they are decorating their homes. With this being said, here are some great tips to ensure that you get the best-decorated tree time after time!

  1. With artificial trees, start with separating the branches to make this look full. Too many times people don’t do this first and they do this after placing on lights and ornaments. When doing this afterward, it can affect the light placement!
  2. String the lights before doing anything else. You will find that getting lights with a green card can make them blend into the tree better. Or for those who want to avoid this step, get a pre-lit tree, as they can allow you to save more time. 
  3. Do you have enough lights? The number of lights that you use, is completely up to you. There are those who want their tree to look as though it is nothing more than a fireball, while others just want a warm glow.
  4. Once lights are placed, consider if you are putting on tinsel or anything else. Wait on the ornaments right now, just get the bare basics of the tree put on. 
  5. Do you have a theme that you are using? If so, get everything out and sorted so that you know what you are working with.
  6. Now you can start with the ornaments. Remember, that you are going to want to hand those larger and heavier ornaments towards the back of the branch and then more toward the bottom, so if they do fall, they are not going to be broken. If you have kids, remember where you are replacing these ornaments that are breakable as you do not want little hands to grab them!
  7. Once the ornaments are placed, place your tree topper. For those who will be using a ribbon, they can then drape the ends of the ribbon down the tree to give it a whimsical look. If you are putting a star, be sure that you get this straight. 

Step away and take a look. Do you see any bare spaces? Are ornaments evenly spaced? Fix any bare spots that you may see and ensure that all the ornaments are placed evenly. Now you can sit back with a hot chocolate, dim the lights in the room, and simply enjoy the tree that you have perfected in decorating. 

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