Benefits of LED Light on a Pre-lit Christmas Tree

Many people know that LED Christmas lights use a lot less energy, but there are many more reasons to switch to LED lights. The results of a nationwide survey show many Pre-Lit Christmas tree buyers prefer LED trees and tree lights to incandescent ones. Several reasons contribute to this preference:

Additional light strings can be connected

LED light strings can typically be connected 8 to 10 times longer side-by-side with a single plug outlet while using fewer power outlets. When using many LED mini light strings, you can connect 40 to 50 together depending on the number of lights. In comparison, traditional Christmas mini lights can only connect 4 or 5 sets. Putting together large Christmas displays is much easier with this feature.

Touchable and cool

Since LEDs produce little to no heat, the prelit Christmas tree is always cool to touch and safe for children and animals to be around it during the holiday season.

Unparalleled visuals

Traditional incandescent bulbs emit a dull, blue light. LED bulbs, on the other hand, produce bright, vivid light. LED lights produce stunning light, which is one of the most praised aspects in customer reviews!

Long life

Lights powered by LED technology are typically rated to last tens of thousands of hours, which is far longer than traditional mini lights powered by incandescent bulbs, which typically last only a season or two.

Innovative Designs and Advanced Technology

The variety of LED colors is endless and some even offer unique light display functions such as color changeable and dimmable lighting. Many LEDs now contain RGB light sources that can produce thousands of colors! With LED lights, large Christmas displays are much easier to set up, much safer, have a longer lifespan, produce brighter colors, and consume less energy.

   These and more explains the reason why most people prefer the LED light on their prelit Christmas trees.