Best Artificial Christmas Trees 2022: Storage Tips

Once Christmas has passed, when do you decide that it is time to put up your best artificial Christmas trees 2022 for the year? Many people do not do this until the New Year has passed, as it is supposed to ensure good luck for the household. With this being said, regardless of when you decide that you want to put up your best artificial Christmas trees 2022 for the rest of the year, it is important that you do so in a manner that will ensure the tree will be good to use for the following year.

The best artificial Christmas trees 2022 are designed to last for many years to come. They are a one time investment that you can keep for at least ten years. The key to getting this type of lifespan from your best artificial Christmas trees 2022 is to ensure that you are storing these properly.

How to Store Your Artificial Christmas Tree Correctly

To ensure that you are getting the best life out of your trees, here are some storage tips that you can use to make sure everything will be good as new the following year!

1. What are you going to place the tree into?

There are several options, but many people decide to use the original box that the tree came in. This is a great idea. However, remember that this is a cardboard box, so you want to ensure that you have a dry place for storing this. Imagine storing your tree in a basement that floods and finding out that the tree is damaged the following year! Other people use Christmas tree bags to store their tree in as they find this easier to maneuver into whatever location they are storing it.

2. Make sure that you are taking all the ornaments off the tree.

Let’s face it, if you leave a tree with the ornaments on it and start to take it apart and put it into the box, you are going to have ornaments that break immediately as they fall off the tree. Other times, you will find that while this was stored, the ornaments have been broken.

3. Be gentle with how you are taking apart the tree and lowering the branches on the tree.

You are going to find that if you are too rough, you do risk the chance of breaking these elements, which will mean you may have a lopsided tree the following year.

4. Avoid intense heat and cold when storing your tree.

While this may not be an issue for one year, if you were to store this year after year in a hot environment, you may notice that the tree becomes sticky from the heat.

Overall, remember to use the same amount of care that you took when placing your best artificial Christmas trees 2022 up for the first time. With the proper care in handling the tree, it will be something that you can use for many years ahead, and it will always look as great as it did when you first used it.