Holiday Movies to Inspire your Prelit Christmas Trees Decor

Are you still not sure how you are going to decorate your prelit Christmas trees this year? For those who are still looking, they are going to find that they have a great source of inspiration right in front of them. What is this? The movies that they watch every holiday season! There are tons of Christmas movies that are going to be a great inspiration for the decor on your prelit Christmas trees.

Here are a few movies that many people are using for inspiration:

1. Elf! This is all about the winter wonderland theme with white lights, snowflakes, cotton ball garlands and even stringing popcorn onto the tree.

2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! This is going to be about over sized ornaments, wreaths and tons of color!

3. Home Alone! This holiday classic is all about making your tree more classic and even including poinsettia plants throughout your room and on the tree.

4. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is a funny movie that is going to be super easy to decorate. Get the largest tree that you can possibly get, use a rainbow of lights and lots of tinsel!

5.  Harry Potter, while is not a Christmas movie, there is Christmas celebrated in this movie and many people love this series, so it makes sense that they steal some decor ideas from this. With this one it is all about the lights, and while you may not be able to magically make your ceiling look like falling snow….you can put up some snowflakes to get a similar feeling.

6. Looking for something that is not that uniform in its appeal? You will find that the movie “The Family Stone” is where to get your ideas. It is super eclectic and may be perfect for you.

7. White Christmas is a classic movie and for good reason. But, for those who are looking to this for inspiration, it is all about the silver tinsel, garland and silver bells!

There are tons of holiday movies out there that you can get inspiration from, and remember, you don’t have to copy this style, you can choose just a few elements that you like from each and make it your own. You will find that this tree, once decorated, is going to be something that you love as it may be your favorite holiday movie!